Friday, May 7, 2010

so first of all its very important that someone watch this video, its rammstein vs. the cookie monster. I am having a fairly good day so far (still on my awesome sleep schedule) and actually seem to have a little bit MORE time on my hands-which could be a good or a bad thing i suppose, i dont often make good use of my time-but at least i amuse myself :). I am going to walk up to Rickys work later (meijer) and buy some groceries-i like to walk places, although it gets kind of frightening some times when i find myself roaming the streets at three am-I am not one of those ppl who dont think anything bad can happen to them-in fact im quite paranoid, and for that matter almost agoraphobic at times-i dont like to be around people much anymore-which makes walking at night a good thing actually. I like the exercise as well, i listen to my ipod and think, not about much inparticular most of the time-but its nice, because i seem to have a lot to think about no matter how little is going on in my life-which is something that used to keep me up at night a lot-but i find myself sleeping less, which makes it a lot easier to go to sleep..except when i am overloaded on caffeine anyways..well thats all for now!

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