Friday, May 7, 2010

As of now

Lately I have had a pretty erratic sleeping schedule-my boyfriend works third shift so i try to sleep during the day-which always gets messed up of course-but now i am sleeping from about 9am until 4 pm--which i am pretty happy about, i spend more time with my boyfriend and i also get some more daylight hours! As for the "as of now" thing-i have been trying to be a little more conscious of my health--smoking less-eating better, and getting a little more needed exercise. No one can be perfect but its not against the law to try :) All my life when i have been unhappy about something i would realize it and change, like the day i woke up and took off my black nailpolish-bleached the black out of my hair and got a new wardrobe--i didnt like who i was anymore so i changed-this is only one instance of course. But lately i have found that I am not exactly the happiest about the way i live anymore--im unhealthy, a little overweight, have a poor self image and jobless-im trying to fix all of those things--but as long as I dont have a job the least i can do is work on the other things--"everything will work out" is something i have said to myself and just about everyone else over the years more times than i can count--and it always does. So I have decided to make everything work out for myself sooner rather than later-For some reason I have felt like a big ol' bag of sunshine lately-and that my dear friends (i suppose that means i am happy about!
Awesomely yours,

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