Wednesday, December 16, 2009

drunk dialing

I am worse than a drunk dialer, i get really bored and drunk myspace, facebook, and blog-which is quite humorous sometimes-but rather confusing to the people who cant understand my ramblings. I have drunk dialed on occasion though-anyhow i would like to more than recommend the game "Peggle", its fun, easy and quite addictive. For those of you who have xbox live you should download it-its fairly inexpensive and really fun :) I finally watched the new harry potter yesterday-which was really good-but ended abruptly just like pirates of the Caribbean did-which was irritating-but acceptable because this movie didn't put me to sleep in the middle of the day. Well its shower time i will most definitely post more tomorrow, just for the sake of posting

Monday, December 14, 2009

Drinking today, sometimes im not quite sure what im supposed to do with my time. I dont play a lot of video games which puts quite a damper on spending time with him sometimes. It's not as if he plays video games all day everyday, but when he does get quite into it-it doesn't stop for a long time. which means i have a choice of leaving the room and watching some tv or staying at the computer. I'm never quite sure on what to-i dont want to abandon by boyfriend but i dont want to spend my day dying of boredom..who knows i guess ttyl until tomorrow my faithful 0 readers

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I made a delicious apple crisp, which i am very excited to share with my boyfriend and roommates. Later i am going to cook wet burritos -which just happen to be ricky's (my boyfriends) favorite-well maybe not his favorite but he does really love them. Lately i have been considering quitting smoking-but im not sure if i want to. I enjoy smoking, i like the taste, the feeling, and it increases your buzz when you drink. And as for health-we all have to die some day, and i wont be dying tomorrow-or the next day (im fairly sure anyways). My grandmother died and 77 from an aneurysm next to her heart-but the point of that little story is she smoked for over 50 years and didnt get cancer or any other horrible health problems from it. Not that im saying i know i will be as lucky as she, but i feel as if i can take my chances. The issue that makes me want to quit smoking is when i catch colds-especially in the winter season like now-they seem to last forever. That and i dont like to smoke around children-which i find myself doing at times-anywho that is nothingness that seems to be filling my head today. :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Facebook Vs Myspace

"MySpace Will Find A Way To Piss You Off
Facebook Is Simply Better "
(anthony liccardello)

My opinion on the subject:
Facebook has definitely near eliminated myspace. I used to mainly use myspace and check my facebook once in a while-but the tables have turned! Facebook keeps changing but its still better than myspace. I hate that you cant change the layout on myspace anymore-i kept mine on classic and never changed it until they did it for me permanently- i don't think its easier at all, it doesn't tell me when i have messages sometimes, and none of my friends really use it anymore. That and facebook applications are like a black hole! At first i was really disappointed when facebook started having so many applications-and now i just cant stop playing them. BUT when it comes to music-myspace is great! Although i was severely disappointed when they stopped allowing you to have a "" playlist on your myspace. All and all myspace is dying a slow sad death at the hands of facebook.

Isn't it odd?

Growing up in a female dominant household i was raised to believe that gender roles were a huge load of crap. And as time went on the screaming feminist voice in my head agreed, but I never could stay out of the kitchen. Its just odd to me how you can go from being the happy eight year old recieving a delicious pancake breakfast-to the person happy to serve it. I still do believe that women should be able to work-and men should share the household responsibilities-BUT when i am working i still like to come home and make a delicious home cooked meal, and still clean the house. Sometimes i wonder if its just in my dna, there is nothing i love more than pleasing the people i love. But currently being out of a job i spend a lot of my time cleaning and cooking-and a little part of me looks down on myself for enjoying it. I have conflicting emotions about it I suppose, I always swore to myself that i was going to go about life a little different, but like i said it pleases me to do the things that just seem to be encoded in my dna. But a couple things my mother did teach me were to budget better than any one ive ever met-and when it comes to grocery shopping its almost painful to watch my friends shop-when i know i could buy the same amount of food for 40 dollars cheaper.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Music music music

I am very into music, but lately it seems I've sort of lost my way. You see my boyfriend and both of my roommates are into "horror core" or so it's sometimes called when summed up into one genre. I am a fan of punk, alternative, metal and most surrounding genres. It's just that in the past few years it seems I havent really found any new music to listen to; and on top of that, i seem to be losing interest in a lot of the music that i used to live by (all that teenage angst went away lol) My musical tastes were recently compared to shit in someones hand, which really made me think..there has to be something else out there. And the shit btw was the couple of five finger death punch songs that i like, and yes i am ashamed..a little. Green Day has been my favorite band for quite sometime now-but i find myself a little disappointed in there last album, and even the one before that didnt hit the spot like i thought it would. But if anyone out there has any suggestions feel free to throw them out there. And on another note living in michigan sucks even more when the snow is here, i am currently wearing gloves and still freezing-but life goes on i suppose :)